As of today, I should be at my 25th weeks and 2 days of pregnancy. Today's check-up was quite a quick one as nothing much need to ask from the gynae and it was another routine monthly check-up.
We saw baby's movements through the ultrasound, heard his heartbeat, and got to know that he is now weighing about approximately 900 grams now. Hehehe ~~ Baby is growing... Wanted to capture a picture of him, gynae helped me to do the 3D scan, but then baby's hide his face from us using his hands, so we couldn't see him clearly. So no point printed out the 3D picture, so the gynae helped us printed out a 2D picture instead.
Then the gynae told me I need a jab on this round of check-up. I forgot what is the name of the injection. She did explain to me, I listened, but then I forgot already. All I remembered is to protect the baby and me. So, I obediently sat down there for the jab, and then realized ~ Oh gosh, after the injection, my left hand is sooo tired ~~ According to the nurse there, this injection needs 2 doses. So next month, perhaps I will have another one. But will need to confirm with the gynae again on next month. I did ask the nurse on the jab that I took and she explained to me that part of the functions is to protect baby and me from Tetanus.
After that, gynae advised me that I can start to take some fish oils, and asked me did I take any before this? I told her I am eating now and the brand is called NeuroGain. She then explained to me the difference between a commercial fish oil and the one that she is recommending me to take. This particular fish oil that she recommends is molecularly distilled. She explained to me the meaning of molecularly distilled and told us that she herself is also taking this type of fish oil only.
Before I left the clinic, the nurse gave me a few packets of milk powder samples again. So nice of her. This time, one of the samples come with a very nice pink pouch and a few brochures contain some information for us to read.
So when I got home, I goggled and found these two articles on:
1) 'Why Choose Molecularly Distilled Fish Oil' at Part of the article is written like this: [Molecular distillation is a purification method which is conducted in vacuum. It is actually an industrial standard procedure which is best for the purification of vitamins. Molecular distillation is the only process that can effectively remove metals, PCBs and other harmful toxins to a level that is perfectly safe for human consumption.]
2) About Tetanus: Part of the article is written like this: [Neonatal tetanus can be prevented by making sure that all pregnant women have had their tetanus immunizations, by delivering babies in sanitary conditions, and by proper umbilical cord care. If you are pregnant, discuss your immunization record with your obstetrician well before your due date.]
More information can be read at the links as shown above.
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