We brought Kimi for jabs yesterday. He took the first dose of the compulsory jabs. This jab can be taken when baby is 2 to 3 months' old. Besides, after being advised by the pediatrician, we decided to give baby Kimi the 'Rotavirus' vaccine as well yesterday. In another 2 weeks' time, when we go back Taiping again, perhaps will bring Kimi for the 'Pneumococcal' vaccine. Hope that with all these vaccines, Kimi can grow up to be stronger. Kimi weighs 5.6kg and 56cm height at 8 weeks ^_^
Haih... a bit sad today as I need to pour away the breast milk which I pump out starting from tonight. Baby Kimi won't be able to latch on me already. From tomorrow onwards, Kimi will be starting on full formula milk feeding. A bit disappointed that my MIL cannot accept frozen breast milk. Just hope that Kimi can get use formula milk very soon.
~ This photo was taken yesterday when Kimi was 8 weeks' old. Hubby was trying to put Kimi on a sitting position when taking this photo ~

~ Kimi is trying on his car seat at home ~

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