Tuesday, March 20, 2012

House Renovation @ Week 4 & 5

Contractor part at Week 4 is considered around 90% done I supposed... Nothing major work needs to be done already except for some minor touch-ups and the installation of the glass on the altar wall and kitchen.

Progress @ Week 4:

Painting work starts at Week 5. After surveying around, we have chosen to use the service from www.mypainter.com.my. From viewing the house to get quotation from them, and then to get them to come in to do the paintings' work, it only takes us around one week to finalise everything including the colour to choose. As of now, we are very satisfied with their efficiency in getting the arrangements done. So, as what we have planned, the house paintings’ work starts at Week 5. Hope they can do a nice paint job for us! Very looking forward to the outcome after the paint ~

Progress @ Week 5:


Marching into Week 6 of renovation, we are getting very near to get our home-sweet-home ready!

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