Thursday, February 27, 2014

Nico Calls Me ‘Ma-Ma’!

Date: 22nd February 2014

I heard Nico called me 'Ma-Ma'! The best ever gift! 

Finally, Nico is able to call me ‘Ma-Ma’ clearly. Although he is slow in this, it is never too late for me. He can now bring his milk bottle for me after he finishes his milk and call me ‘Ma-Ma’, and then put the milk bottle into the basin himself to show to me. Really touched by this!

~ Nico @ 2 Years, 2 Months & 2 Weeks' Old ~

Nico actually has been slow in speech. He can only speak a few simple words and at most times, he is still with his baby languages. He is very talkative, but I am unable to understand him unless he uses actions to tell me what he is trying to say. 

He is a cheerful boy. He can laugh over a small little actions and is satisfied as long as we feed him food. But Nico is a little bit different from Kimi. He does not really like yogurts and sour food/fruits whereas Kimi loves yogurts and cheese a lot!

He is very sticky to me. Eat, Sleep, Bath, Change, etc…. all need me! Except for play. He can play with Kimi at most time to maximum level of craziness. Haha! The blessed part is both of them love each other very much and Kimi can take care of Nico very well. As long as I ask Kimi to help me to do certain things for Nico, he so far never says NO to me. Brotherhood LOVE! Hope it can be maintained... Hehe :)

Can’t wait for this weekend to see Nico again!

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