Actually frankly speaking, we do not really survey on how to apply a visa to go to Japan before we purchased the air tickets to go Japan. This is one of the mistakes that we made on planning to travel to Japan for holidays. So, after talking to one of my travel agent’s friend, after reading some travellers’ blog and after some advices from friends, we were quite shocked to find out that actually we need to have an amount of RM20k in bank in order for us to secure the visa application. When we knew that, seriously speaking, it was really quite shocking information to know.
So today, instead of guessing around, instead of worrying myself on how to go about saving up the RM20k for myself, I called up the Embassy of Japan in Malaysia. They are very friendly staffs and explained to me how I shall go about applying the visa using the correct ways.
Website for Embassy of Japan in Malaysia:
Tel: 603-2177 2600
The things need to be prepared that the staff told me over the phone can be read at:
After her explanations, I did ask her on the bank account statement. Is it true that we need to have RM20k in bank in order for us to apply the visiting visa? She told me no need, only need to show to them the bank account statements will do. Be it in any format, joint-account, or FD or whatever. But then I also did ask her, does it need to have any minimum amount or not? She said to be secured, maybe a minimum of RM6k in the bank will do. But if no also should be alright. She added that the RM20k is just some fake information spread out by the travel agents. Phew, when I heard that, really felt very relieved.
Before I put down the phone, I also asked her, if I am travelling in October, when should I apply the visa? She told me 2 weeks before the travelling dates will do. The visiting visa is valid for a period of 3 months. So I no need to apply so early. She said that the percentage for a Malaysian to get rejected on the visa application is quite low. So she told me no need to worry about that.
Well, just hope that everything can be on the smooth side for me to be able to go to Japan for holidays happily with Hubby. I think the staff in Embassy of Japan should be providing to me the accurate information. Pray hard for the visa application to be approved when I am applying for it when the time is nearer!! Otherwise, who else can we believe on the visa application? Hehe :)
Date: 6th September 2010
As what we have planned earlier, today hubby and I will go and apply the visa for travelling to Japan. Kimi will be at home with PIL. We have prepared all the documents needed for this visa application. We have arranged all the documents in order before we go. So when we reached there, all we need it to take a number and wait for our turns.
Well, as we are applying the visa ourselves, only to realize that it was not that difficult. As long as your documents are all prepared and arranged properly, things are very easy. Once it reaches our turn, the officer there only needs to check on all the documents to make sure nothing is left out and it is all complete set. After she checked on it, she gave us a receipt, stating the date and time for us to go back to the embassy again for the passport collection. By the way, there is no fee involves for Japan Visa Application.
So, tick-tock-tick-tock! Praying hard that our application will not have any problems!
Date: 9th September 2010
We were supposed to collect our passports on the 8th September, in between 2pm-4pm. But then hubby needs to work at that time. So we went to collect it on the next day. This round I went in myself and hubby was at outside waiting for me while taking care of Kimi. Same thing, pressed for number and waited for my turn.
Once my number is called, I passed the receipt to the officer and she passed to me our passports. Hurray!! So happy that our Visa applications have been approved!! I check on the information on the passports before I left the embassy. Deep inside my heart keep on smiling… Hehe.. Finally, we can really start to prepare to the trip lor ~~ Counting down ….
Sample picture of the Japan Visa:

P/S: No mobile phones and cameras are allowed to bring into the Embassy. So before you go into the Embassy, everything needs to pass to the officers’ in-charge there. You can collect it once you come out from the Embassy.
i've already bought flight ticket to japan next year but worrying about visa application. do we have to provide some letter of clarification from the company we are working in to apply for visa too?
if u have the info
thanx ^-^
Hi purplebutton,
Yes, you need a simple letter from your company stating that you are currently attached to the company.
All the documents can be read at:
If you follow exactly and put all the documents in order, the visa application is very easy.
Anything else you need to know? Thanks!
Hi there.. i was browsing around looking for the right information about applying for Japanese Visa.. and thank goodness, i found yours..
I've been reading all sort of information regarding visa application and most people are suggesting that it's a very hard procedure and it's difficult to get visa etc .. requirements such as RM6K are among the things i've been told about..
From what you've explained, i'm very relieved! thanks for explaining it so thoroughly! i hope i can ask for more questions in the future..
I've already bought a flight ticket to Japan in March 2011.. and i've been worry sick about all these requirements made by the embassy..
May i asked, were you with any travel agency for your trip to Japan?
Hi there.. i was browsing around looking for the right information about applying for Japanese Visa.. and thank goodness, i found yours..
I've been reading all sort of information regarding visa application and most people are suggesting that it's a very hard procedure and it's difficult to get visa etc .. requirements such as RM6K are among the things i've been told about..
From what you've explained, i'm very relieved! thanks for explaining it so thoroughly! i hope i can ask for more questions in the future..
I've already bought a flight ticket to Japan in March 2011.. and i've been worry sick about all these requirements made by the embassy..
May i asked, were you with any travel agency for your trip to Japan?
Kueh_ i oso already bought the ticket to japan next year MArch....i start to worry abt my visa afta i booked the ticket....
Kueh- i oledy bought the ticket to japan on next year march oso.i start to worry afta i boght the ticket....
ShinY- i oso wanna noe which travel agent u go with.....
Hi Kueh and Jesslyn,
Sorry for my late reply. I just touched down to Malaysia from my Japan trip. I shall get back to you soon once I finish unpacking and also settling down... Do visit the blog again. I will update more information ya :)
Thanks for visiting!!
Hi Kueh and Jesslyn... I did not follow any travel agents... From visa application till planning the places to visit in Tokyo, all were done by ourselves.
My Hubby actually did most of the searching and reading on the transportation to travel around Tokyo. So once we reached there, it made our travelling much easier :)
The visa application is not a difficult procedure if you follow their instrustions properly. All can be read at their website. Anything else you wish to know, can also call them. They are very firendly.
Otherwise, you can visit my blog :) Hehe ~~
hey....can i noe which hotel u stayed in Japan? hehe.. tq
Jess, here is the link for the hotel I stayed in:
Thanks ya :)
Harlo.. i bump into ur blog when searching some info for the application form. Hope u can give some insight... :(
Do we need to fill in by printing or hand writting will do? Cos the form in internet is in pdf. cant edit one.
Is there a need to put in gurantor or reference name in Japan? How if I dont have any.
Regarding the address of where we stay in Japan, need to provide confirmation letter mah? Do we need to provide room number also?
Hope you can shed me some light.
Hi Jingya, the form can be hand written. As for the reference in Japan, I leave it blank as I don't have one there :)
The hotel info I only write in the full hotel name and brief address only as the column is too short to fill up full address.
Hope these can help...
Thanks Shiny for ur reply.
Hopefully, ur husband's dream of bringing u to Tibet will come true soon. Ur blog is interesting, so i continued reading other posts. kikiki...
Thanks... hope you visit here more often ~ But some post are about my baby.. hehe, hope you won't find it too bored ;
Haha, Tibet ar? Not in the list yet and with a baby also difficult to plan more holidays... :)
Hi ShinY,I have just called up Japan Embassy and was informed that minimum amount in saving account need to be RM10K, preferably RM15K in order to secure the approval. I guess they must have changed this requirement lately.
Hi ShinY,I have just called up Japan Embassy and was informed that minimum amount in saving account need to be RM10K, preferably RM15K in order to secure the approval. I guess they must have changed the requirement lately.
Hi Hong, is it? I got an online friend just applied it with RM6k recently... Maybe Year 2010 is Visit Japan Year.. That's y requirements also lesser :)
Forgot to mention that it depends on length of visit in Japan, for 7 days visit, minimum amount in saving account should be RM10K to RM15K.This is what i have been told by staff at Japan Embassy.
Hong, thank you so much for the information! Thanks for sharing, will take note of it ;)
hi..i will be travelling to Japan this coming march and is indeed headache about visa application. I noticed Hong mentioned that for 7 days visit..we need to show 10K-15K in the bank I will be going with my partner, means we need to have min 20K-30K! that is a huge amount of money!!!..i really sick with this :( ..thinking may want to cancel the journey..
Hui Ming, why not you call up Japan Embassy to verify the information as well? I think this is better at least you can also have a clearer picture :)
Hi ShinY,
Actually am doing researching and getting information for the Japan Visa Requirement,
kind of sad when i saw the comments on yr wall.....i never been to Japan before and would like to go there on April, the problem is am malaysian working in Singapore...
Do u know the requirement for a malaysian but working in singapore?
hopefully everything will be okay...
Oh my, what a relief.
I've been googling around about the visa application and panicked on the 6k bank account statement.
I'm planning to go there alone to visit some art gallery, the Studio Ghibli Museum at Mitaka and Tokyo Disneyland.
Will submitting my visa next week, hopefully it will get approval :<
Oh my, what a relief.
I've been googling around about the visa application and panicked on the 6k bank account statement.
I'm planning to go there alone to visit some art gallery, the Studio Ghibli Museum at Mitaka and Tokyo Disneyland.
Will submitting my visa next week, hopefully it will get approval :<
Hi Jack, sorry for my late reply. Are you applying the visa from Msia or SG? Since you are Malaysia, I assume that the process shud be the same right? Hehe :) Not too sure wor, you can call them ask to ask about this matter.
Thanks and enjoy yourself in Japan!!
Hi Flux, should be ok, don't worry.. As long as all the documents are prepared correctly, the visa application is actually not difficult :)
Hey there,
Phew, it such a relieved to read your stories about applying the Nippon Visa.
I heard the rumors about the rm20k too but I'd never thought it is true until my friend who is applying the visa told me so. Geez who knows I'd been fooled by her too lol.
Anyway thanks for the stories.
Abdullah, no worries! Just some sharings and hope it helps :)
It is indeed sad and shocking that travel agents float untrue stories about visa applications. It is better to cross check from relable sources and internet is a great help wjen applying for a visa. If you intend to travel to Japan and apply for a Japanese visa, you need to get the right information which can be get from Internet through relable visa application websites.
Hello there! Very helpful information regarding the Japan visa application. May I know what did you fill up for the 'Guarantor or reference in Japan' in the visa application? Thanks!
HI Wahlui, I didn't fill in the guarantor part. I leave it blank since I do not have any reference in Japan.
Sorry for my late reply as I was on confinement now ;)
Hi Shiny,
Thanks for your info and others as well. I'm relieved but still panic :)(well, my flight is on 11th hu)
I'm in the middle of applying for Jpn visa by using travel agent. Do show them my latest acc statement with rm7k in it. But they said it was very weak and I have to have RM10-15k fixed deposit. Oh my!!!!
Hi Shiny,
Thanks for your info and others as well. I'm relieved but still panic :)(well, my flight is on 11th hu)
I'm in the middle of applying for Jpn visa by using travel agent. Do show them my latest acc statement with rm7k in it. But they said it was very weak and I have to have RM10-15k fixed deposit. Oh my!!!!
luckily find your blog.really thanks your sharing!
Hi, may I know how long was the given duration of stay u get? Thanks
Hi, may I know how long was the given duration of stay u received last time? Thx
Hi Aska, sorry for my late reply. It was 2 years ago when I applied for the visa. So I couldn't remember how long was the duration given. Really sorry!
arigato~ it's ok =)
I did call up 2 travel agencies randomly last time to help me to apply the visa. They do have the service but they do charge a fee. After considering, I have decided to do it myself since the process is not difficult. I think you can call up the travel agents which you know of, or randomly call one, I think they will be willingly to assist you on this.
Hi ShinY, say if im going wif 3ppl, does all of us have to be thr at d embassy when submitting our documents for visa application? Or can i just represent d group for submitting d documents? Also d min amount that has to be in the account, it can it be any other accounts besides saving account? i.e: ASB account, tabung haji account, current account.
I think one person can bring over the documents for the 3 persons. As for the savings account, as long as there is a proof, I think should be OK. It is better for you to call up the Japan embassy to confirm the latest requirements. Thanks.
Hi, thanks for sharing your visa application experience!
I would like to ask you about visa application for cases like a family with baby less than 2 years old.
So you and your husband need 1 visa application form each right? How about your baby?
How many copies of marriage certificates & birth certificates I should prepare? Thanks!
Hi, thanks for sharing your visa application experience!
I would like to ask you about visa application for cases like a family with baby less than 2 years old.
So you and your husband need 1 visa application form each right? How about your baby?
How many copies of marriage certificates & birth certificates I should prepare? Thanks!
Love to read it,Waiting For More new Update and I Already Read your Recent Post its Great Thanks.solicitud de visa de canadá
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