As my parents and sisters were all in KL this weekend, so I also didn't really think of dropping by the sales office to have a look since I was busy bringing them around. But it was so happened that I saw the sales office's small signboard by the roadside near Taman Megah on Saturday, so after discussed with hubby, we decided to drop by to have a look while my parents were resting at our home in the afternoon after some shopping sprees.
Surprisingly, the sales office was quite crowded when we reached on Saturday noon... As there are only a total of 45 units, 4th floors, and come with 2 carparks, so I think this low density concept drew most of the crowd over there. After the explanations by the sales team, after viewing the layout, etc., actually hubby and I were quite interested in it as we have been looking for a place to buy within this area for some time already. But we still undecided, and do not wish to make decision on the spot. So we brought back the booklet and brochure to slowly think over it for one more day, before we actually made any decision.
Hubby brought me to the actual site to have a look again so we drove to Centrepoint. It needs to pass by a small road before the actual site (to be frank which initially I was a bit not so keen on it). But after some discussions with parents, after some deep thinking, after counting out our budget... Finally, we decided to buy based on location, instead of choosing a cheaper house, which might be a bit far away from PJ.
So, TODAY, 31st of May 2009, hubby and I have chosen our future home!!
Hurray and finally, we bought it ~~
The sales office actually closed at 5pm today and we reached there at around 4.30pm. When we reached, still can see some crowd over there. The initial unit that we wanted to buy, was sold off yesterday. So, we bought the next door unit as not much choices left for us to choose... Hehehe... but still not bad la, got to choose one unit at Level 3~~
Below are some pictures from the booklet. Really hope it can turn out to be as nice as what it shows in the picture (although I know it might be varies sometimes). Hehehe.... But of course, we need to be more positive thinking :)

Well, expected completion date will be by end of 2011, so still a long way more to go. But this also indirectly can let us slowly save up for the renovation fees and furniture expenses (hope so la). Ya, some might said that the developer might be a small company which donno is it can be trusted or not, but, hubby and I ended up decided to buy it. Really hope and pray hard that our money won't into the drains after 3 years' time... So, wish us good luck ya!!
More details on the property can be read at:
Congratulations on your 1st home, good location and hope the developer can deliver the project as this is their 1st residential project.
Hi CM, thanks for your posting! You also bought one unit there? I also praying hard that the developer won't run away with my money ~~ Hahaha.. :)
Oh...i hear about this project as well.
Congrats for getting one there. My brother was thinking to get the roof top yet is fully sold :(
is worth when you have a roof top and they not charging it for maintainance. :P
As what i know about the company was not a small company. They have few project on other than laman ara.Quite a strong base company actually.Mayb not as well known as sime darby. hahahah....
They done quite numbers of project like astana those...which i think astana is nice. :)(Pass by there few times)
Lol...get to know it as my brother actually chat with the director there.Is crowded there...(there's food also...yummy~~)
So...i guess your money is secure.As i know there's no abandon project by them.
@_@ is a luxury condo,it will be great if my brother could actually buy it that day. :(
Thanks, J.Cheng, for your valuable comments!! Really happy to hear that from you... Too bad your brother did not get to buy a unit there, else we can be neighbours ~~ :) But this projct is not very big, I have been to the actual site to view, just hope that the roads there can get better...
Nice meeting you!!
Just double check with my brother yesterday, he say for GSB properties residential project laman ara is the 1st project. If mention about SIMA then is not the 1st. Yet GSB properties a division of SIMA i guess should be ok gua....hahaha...(Hope that i din mislead you :P , my bad)
Ya...the road don't seems wide. But near bandar utama should be quite a good piece to invest in.
seems cant get the condo,my brother might consider getting other properties around there for investment. :P
Bandar Utama is golden piece of land.If i stay there,i guess all my $ will be contribute to 1Utama shopping mall.hahahahah....
Dear J.Cheng,
Thank you for your comments!! I really appreciate that ~~ Hahaa.. Me also likes shopping at 1U, that's the reason I prefer to stay nearby here.... Haha, just kidding :)
But why your brother didn't think of investing on the Chestwood Townhouse opposite?
Anyway, nice knowing you, made me know more about the property we have bought... TQ!
i think Chestwood townhouse is nice with their design too...but too bad,$ not out from my pocket.My brother just does not really like thingy is very subjective,depends on the person view.I like it but yet my brother say not nice. :(
Nah...seems i'm not the 1 paying..just let him choose what ever he think is job is just hang around at the place~~~
And my mother no matter u know old ppl...normally they still prefer terrance house...which u know...when u walk out to the area u have everything. Old ppl not into shopping mall like us,they prefer small little town kind of place.
em....anythings update ?
recently never seems anything interesting....gadgets also nothing new.. :(
how often u go warehouse sales ?
Hi, I hardly go any warehouse sales worr... Not my cup of tea ler. Haha, donno why, don like to squeeze ~~
How about u? Saw ur blog ler.. Still selling those shirts?
lol...yup..last time i i still sell when there's customer new stock also a little lazy to update authentic item also ppl don't spend that much on a tshirt even thought is cheaper than retail.
o...i don like to squeeze with ppl either.Just that my fren happen to show me a web that shows all the warehouse sales around... :P
i only go selected 1.Because hardly get to find nice item when there's warehouse sales.
Haha... now here become a chatroom between you and me ~~
Ya, I agree, it is a bit diff to find nice items when there is warehouse sales... Perhaps you can add me in your gmail chat if you have... :)
Congrat! Do u know there still any available unit in Laman Ara Utama?
My budget below 400k.
Thank u.
Hi Enzo, I try to ask for you and see...
Hi Enzo, so far, the smallest unit left is about 1400 sqf... I think about RM424k... You can go and have a look ~~ Any other information you need??
hi ShinY,
Have u manage to get a loan for your house? If yes, which bank? I saw in a forum that someone's loan not approved for this developer.
Hi BC, can you share the fourm link with me?
Yes, all my paperwork settled alred some time ago worr.. I used their panel bank.
Hi ShinY,
I've also purchased a unit in Laman Ara Utama. Keep our fingers crossed and hope all goes well with the construction. The only thing that I'm not happy about at the moment is the trash that is piling up nearby. Seems like there's a house there that collects items for recycling. It's a noble job but unfortunately is such an eyesore. Hope there'll be a relocation plan for that centre. Do you have any idea about that?
Hi Aileen, ya, hubby and I did notice that as well. Don't think we can do anything about it if that piece of land is a private land. Just pray that those developers over there can hold hands together and do something about it. Hehe :)
Which unit you have bought? Yeah.. I got to know one of my future neighbours lor ~~ Do keep in touch ya !!
HI, May i know for the smallest unit, 986 sq ft how much right now?
since the unit is not that available unit right now ?
I hope to buy that project as well and hope is within my budget :)
Hi v2, I do not know much is the 986sq ft unit.. If not mistaken, all the units there already sold off. I wanted to help my friend to ask for one unit, but I was told by that salesgirl that all were sold out.
Perhaps you can call up the office to confirm again. Thanks!!
hi shin y. u buy the unit got free air cond? coz see from another website say tat got free 1 air cond.
Hi Daniel, I don't think we have a free aircon... You have one ar?
Hi ShinY,
My unit does not comes with air-cond too.
Anyone monitoring the construction? last week i went and saw the construction work.
They are building the structure. 4th floor i think
Hi Cody, nice to meet you here..
Which level are you staying? Hehe.. going to be your future neighbour :) I went last week too, ya, I think I saw they are building up the 4th floor if not mistaken.
What's your blog link? Mind to share?
also dont have aircond..which unit u buy? mind to say?.i go to the side and saw inside is very dark coz dont have much window for outside.the dry yard very small.not very perfect. dunno when complete it will look nice not.
Daniel, what's ur email? Perhaps we contact via email is easier... You profile I am not able to view from the link you paste here.
Do Laman Ara Utama have any common forum to discuss?
I think it will be a better platform
Cody, why not we start a FB page and discuss from there?
What do you think? :)
Hi all, I have created a Group in FB on 'Laman Ara Utama Residents'. Please feel free to join ~~
Hi Leno, I heard that Laman Ara might be ready by September 2011... But not too sure how accurate is this news. Now I think they are building up the gates and guardhouse.
Thanks ShinY.
Few of my forum collegues are investing in GSB company who contructing the Laman Ara. So, we just want to know the progress of the projects because GSB latest financial statement somehow did not show significant sales contribution from their properties project. So, we are just wondering whether to invest in the share or not.
Thanks again Shin'Y !
Hi ShinY,
Wondering if anyone have move in yet?
Hi JC, I don't think so.. I think now the owners are checking on the defects and the developers are fixing them up.
hi shiny,
i found out this townhouse is nice and intended to have a unit for my own stay. should you have any neighbour or frens staying wanna to sell, pls inform me.
Hi Ben, yes, I just got to know that 2 of my neighbours are intended to sell of their units. Maybe you can send to me your email address. I can pass your contact to them. Thanks!
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