Friday, August 7, 2009

33rd Weeks of Pregnancy

Yesterday, marked my 33rd weeks of pregnancy. Hubby accompanied me to go for my monthly gynae check-up. Luckily he was with me, yesterday check-up was not a smooth one. I was diagnosesd with high blood pressure yesterday. Although it is not really on the super high side, gynae needs to monitor me closely. She gave me MC for today. So today I need to go back to the clinic again to take my blood pressure and also to do a few blood tests to test my sugar level as well.

After the test, blood pressure still on the border line of high side. But doctor needs me to rest a lot and advices me to be on medication too to see how things go next as high blood pressure during pregnancy cannot be taken lightly. She explained to me the consequences of not taking any medicine during this period and adviced me what is the best way for me to do now. So I agreed on her to be on medication. I took one pill at the clinic in the afternoon and needs to go back again after one hour. After one hour, blood pressure really goes down to normal reading. So, doctor also reduce the amount of medicine which I need to take at home to only 2 times in a day instead of 3 times. And, tomorrow needs to go to the clinic again to take my blood pressure again so that doctor can monitor me closely on this.

Doctor asked me no need to worry too much. The only thing I need to do is to rest more. Baby and I are both healthy. Doctor gave me and baby a thorough check-up. Baby is growing steadily, and my body has no signs of complications so far...

Our baby is weighing 2.1 kgs at his 33rd weeks. Doctor said the baby is growing well, asked me no need to worry. Hope things can be better on me so that my baby can grow healthily in me. Doctor will monitor me closely to make sure I am also healthy.

I pray for a healthy baby and Me so that I can deliver safely when I am due on next month ^_^ Baby, we must support and take good care of each other ya ~~

My look at my 33rd Weeks of Pregnancy ~~ Hubby took this photo for me to cheer me up yesterday... My face looks so chubby on this picture. So much different from the look before I got pregnant. Hehe :)

Baby, today you finally showed mummy your face after so many months!! So happy ~~
Too bad this afternoon your daddy was not with us, but never mind. Tonight I will show your daddy the 3D scan picture once he is back from work...

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