Today is my 1st Chinese Birthday ~ According to the Lunar Calendar, I am ONE Year Old today ~ Ho~ho~ho…
So today, after my Daddy was back from work in the morning, my Mummy changed me with my new clothes and shoes... So everyone, am I handsome in this new outfit?
Yoo, Dad and Mum, I am ready to go 'kai-kai' lor ~~

In my Mummy’s car on the way to Mid Valley ~

Today we had breakfast at McD… My Daddy’s mummy said today I can eat a little bit of different food. Hurray, today I got to try a little bit of pancakes and chicken ~ Yummy!

Then, my ‘Pa’ and ‘Ma’ brought me to take my Happy Rides ~

As today is my Chinese calendar’s 1st Birthday, so my Mummy’s mum said I needed to do this… Out of the 3 things, ‘Pen’, ‘Book’ and ‘Calculator’, I need to choose one of them. So I ended up chose a Pen for myself… So, Ah Ma, what does this means?? You also haven’t tell my mummy wor :) Aiyoyo ~~

After my Daddy rested enough (as he is working on night shift this week), so I finally got to see and blow my Birthday Cake at night. Aiyo, I waited the whole day just for this...
My Daddy likes to call me ‘Honey Bee’ all the time, so my Mummy ordered this ‘Honey Bee’ cake for me. It is CUTE, right? Hehe… got red eggs also ~ We are Chinese ma… so follow a bit of Chinese tradition lor ^_^

This is my Happy Family photo ~

Daddy and Mummy Sing Birthday Song for Me ~

Before I go to sleep, my Daddy and Mummy give me an 'Ang Pow' as birthday present... Thanks ya, Dad and Mum! I will save up the money in my Piggy Bank :)

I am really very happy today… I had a great family day ~ And it is time for me to sleep now. Good night everyone! Sweet dreams ya ~