Kimi is 11 months’ old today. One more month to go, he is going to be ONE Year Old soon ~ My little baby Kimi is slowly marching into his toddler phase soon. As a mummy, I really wish time can really slow down for a bit, so that I can have more time to prepare my very best for him.
At 11 months, Kimi is growing out his 5th tooth and weighs at 10.5kgs.
Kimi has more time with me more than his Daddy. But he is closer to his Daddy than his Mummy. Every time when he needs someone to pamper him or to play with him, Daddy is always his No. 1 choice. Well, I also do not understand why Kimi likes his Daddy more than me. Perhaps he knows, I once a while will scold him whenever he does something wrong. And perhaps he can sense that his Daddy hardly show face to him, only Mummy will show to him some black face occasionally. He will crawl and move closer to sleep with his Daddy at most nights and only once a while will come to me. But, whenever he needs to be fed, whenever he needs food and when he needs a sleep, he will definitely come to me. Haha, I do not know how to describe it, but Kimi seems to know, how to differentiate things now. He sometimes seems to know how to do the right thing at the right time. Hehe, is my self-imagination level too high? He seems to understand what we are trying to tell him and he knows whom he can turn to whenever he needs different things at different time.
But of course, he can be very naughty and disobedient at times. Really makes me very angry. He can be very playful until the level of refusing to take his afternoon naps once a while. And now, he does not want to sleep in his ‘sarong’ anymore. So I need to sing more lullaby songs to make him sleep. Hehe, so sometimes when he refuse to fall asleep, it can be real tiring for me to keep on continue to sing for him until he sleeps.
However, although tiring and sometimes a bit frustrating and discouraging when I cannot handle Kimi well, he can really bright up my every day! Cannot really describe how the feelings are like, but Kimi can always has his ways to make my day a good one ~ I might not be the BEST Mum for Kimi, but I am trying and learning to be a better Mum every single day!
We are going to throw a mini party for Kimi on his One-Year Old Birthday. Still do not know what are things that need to be planned, but at least his birthday cake was ordered and the venue was booked! Hopefully the birthday party can turn out be a nice and memorable one for Kimi ^_^ Counting down to the arrival of this day!
I browsed back some photos when I was writing this blog post. So decided to walk down the memory lane and chose some of Kimi’s monthly photos since he was born until now he is 11 months’ old to post up in my blog ~
~ Kimi 11 Months' of Memory Lane ~

Need to really admit that Kimi is growing up to be a big boy soon. He is no longer the small little baby which Mummy can use only one hand to hold him up 11 months ago... Time flies!
1 comment:
Haha Rafa is the same, he comes to me when he wants to play and goes to mommy when he is hungry or sleepy. Having a baby of roughly the same age we can totally relate to the rest of your post too.
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