Kimi starts taking fruits puree, yogurt, egg yolks and cheese. Since I am at home, sometimes I will prepare them myself. Otherwise, I will buy those ready-made type from the supermarket.
One of the Fruits Puree which I prepare for Kimi ~
I slice and cook the apple first before I blend them to feed Kimi...

Here is a little video to share on how to make fruit puree for babies:
Occasionally, I will buy some fresh fruits and plain yogurt to mix them up for Kimi. One of the Yogurt which I prepare for Kimi ~ Same thing, I cook the strawberry first and the blend it before I mix them up with the plain yogurt. This is a healthier way to feed Kimi.

Haha, however, sometimes I do also feed Kimi with the ready-made Fruits Yogurt which can be bought at the supermarket. I bought some mini cheese cubes from the supermarket as well. Will let Kimi tries out some Cheesy Recipes soon ~ Hope he will like it too!!

Recently, I start to let Kimi try out egg yolks too. I steam the eggs yolks and mix them up with the vegetables mash to let Kimi tries on it. He seems to be can take it. For now, it is time for Kimi to try on eggs starting from his 11 months onwards according to his paediatrician. It shall start with eggs yolk first at 11 months and then egg white at his one year old. If he is allergic to eggs, this means that Kimi might not be suitable to take a new jab during his 12-13 months' old. Hope that my little Kimi is egg tolerant. Hehe :)
Last weekend when PIL and Ah Ma were here in KL, they brought Kimi some new things. Hubby's Grandma sew a set of pillow, bolster and blanket for Kimi by herself. Oh gosh, Kimi's great-grandma at her age of 80++, still took her effort to sew all these for Kimi. Really appreciate it a lot! She said Kimi is going to be a big boy soon, so those tiny little pillows and bolster which he had might not be so suitable for him soon. So, she prepared these for Kimi to use in the near future. It is so thoughtful of her ~~

I am sure Kimi will have sweet-sweet dreams when he hugs them to sleep that time.
Thanks ya, Ah Ma!
uh ooh.... i alr let hazel tried egg york last week!! ;( i didnt know that shd let bb try out egg when they are bigger, i only knew that shdnt try egg white b4 1yr old leh... blur blur... lucily Hazel is OK ;))
by the why, why muz cook the apple b4 make it into puree? i directly grind into puree n give to Hazel ;p
Lolipop, hehe... I read from books and watch videos from Internet, all also said must cook first, so I also steam them first before blend it for Kimi to try.
As for the egg yolk, as long as Hazel is ok with it, I think should be ok. Coz before we let Kimi tries on the egg yolk, we asked the paed first. So he told us to do this way. I just follow lor :)
This post is very useful for me to learn how to prepare solid food~ Kimi is super cute with his blur2 look after wake up... ^_^
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