To our beloved Baby Kimi,
A little diary of yours ~~I really wish can update my blog on the day I delivered baby Kimi, so that I can write down all the things happened on that day. But it was impossible for me to bring a laptop to hospital. Hehe… But is ok, I tried to recall as much as I can so that next time I can show to Kimi, how his mummy had all the pains and finally delivered him on the 6th September 2009.
5th September 2009:As I was still in a dilemma of choosing which way to use to deliver my baby, that night itself I was chatting with some friends online while clearing some office work and also washing some baby clothes… I might be delivering in a few days’ time, so I thought I should start washing some baby clothes and others so that I can pack them in a bag. As for my things, all are nicely arranged, but I haven’t packed them in a bag yet. Thinking of doing it tomorrow, on a Sunday. Hope it is not too late. My Sunday plans were, writing job relieves and clearing whatever jobs that I can + packing up baby clothes which are left to dry at the balcony.
6th September 2009:It actually started around 2am something. I feel stomach pain on and off. I thought it was the 'nasi lemak' which I ate for dinner made me stomach pain. So, I went to toilet, but it didn’t seem to ease the pain. The pain continued until I woke up hubby and told him that my stomach was not feeling well. He was asking me, need to see any doctor or not. I told him, so far should be ok, the pain was just on and off, maybe later will get better later.
3am something, the pain continued… I woke up hubby again, and told him, perhaps I might be delivering soon as the pain didn’t seem to be normal stomach pain. Hubby first reaction was, ‘Har, sure or not? So early meh? Got so fast meh?’ I myself also cannot tell, because this is the first time I had this type of pain. I think this is what people call it as contractions.
Since I was not able to fall asleep because of the pain, so I woke up and started to pack some things. Hubby woke up together with me, helping me to pack. He packed baby stuffs while I packed my own things. Everything settled around at 4am something. The contractions continued while I was packing. Then I went to the toilet only to realize that I bleed a bit. I remembered my mum told me before, if the bleeding came first before the water broke, I still have some time to bath. As it was so early in the morning, hubby did not allow me to wash my hair. So I bathed without washing hair.
Then we headed to Pantai Hospital at Bangsar. When we reached there, it was 5am something. As our car was parked quite a distance away from the Emergency department, I walked slowly with the contractions pain together with hubby and a guard whom leaded us to the Emergency department.
I was sent to the labour room for monitoring once I reached the Labour Ward. The nurses need to check if my contractions were for real. After monitoring for some time, yes, the nurse walked in and told me that my contractions were for real, not any false alarm, and I would be delivering by today also. My first and only contractions for delivering baby Kimi happened on today ~~
~ Me in the Labour Room choosing food menu ~
Oh gosh, I don’t think I am prepared for that. It was about 6am something. I need to wait for a while for the gynae to come. The nurses told me, by looking at my conditions, I should be delivering sometime around 12pm. Wow, from now till 12pm, still have few hours more. This means that the pain need to last for so long more… Since there were still a bit of time, hubby went back home first, to help me do some prayers at home, while contacting both parents on my conditions.
The gynae came in around 8am. Hubby reached few minutes later. After the ultrasound, after the explanation from the gynae, in order for her to monitor my complications during the delivery period, I was not given an epidural. Then, I jokingly told hubby, not bad though, baby even helped us to save on the epidural fees. Hehehe… Gynae left us and told us that she will be back by 12pm.
Contractions began to occur more often. Gosh, the pain seems more and more pain. But the clock seemed moving very slow. How I wished 12pm faster reached! As the dripping getting longer, the pain seemed more serious. Hubby was next to me, witnessed everything. He told me, I was crying for pain at that time. I myself also cannot really remember. All I could remember, I was in real pain and kept on asking the nurse to give me some medicine to ease the pain.
The nurses told hubby to rub my back for me. He did accordingly. Then, the nurses brought in the oxygen mask and taught me how to use it. But I was really in a pain that I couldn’t even hold the mask properly. Hubby helped me on that. He asked me to breath in and out while he hold the mask for me. At that moment of time, I really feel very fortunate that I had him next to me, helping me on everything, and creating jokes for me. I think, I have known him for so long, this is the first time, he seriously created jokes for me to laugh so that I could temporary forget about the pain I was having at that time.
Hours passed and finally 12pm reached. Doctor reached as well. Nurses were all ready for me and hubby was standing next to me. I even told him, if needed, maybe need to borrow his arm to bite, just in case I cannot stand the pain. Midwives and doctor were all giving me encouragement and motivation throughout the whole labouring process. All I can hear is, ‘Don’t worry, you can do it, you are doing very well, yaya.. keep pushing, keep pushing, etc’… Luckily the pushing part only lasted for about 20+ minutes. And the next moment of time, I heard loud baby crying and then I was holding baby Kimi on my arms. The doctor chose to use vacuum method due to the complication I had during the labouring time. The midwife showed the baby to me before they sent him for cleaning up. Hubby was very excited. I can see his smiles on his face although I was very weak at that time. While doctor was helping me on the stitching up and others, hubby went to another room with the midwife to see on how baby was cleaned up, etc… He took pictures of the baby and showed to me after that… Finally, the whole labouring process ended and waiting to feed my baby soon ~~
~ Baby Kimi after cleaning up ~
I thank
God for giving me a smooth delivery on this day;
I thank
Hubby for standing by me throughout the whole process and giving me strength all the time;
I thank
Baby Kimi for choosing the way for me on how I shall deliver him instead of we choose ourselves…
~ Our Happy Family ~
~ Me with Baby Kimi in the room ~
I think Baby Kimi sensed my anxiety and dilemma after the routine check-up with gynae on the day before this. That is why he chose to meet us up on this day
~ 6th September 2009 ~ !Again, this is another day that I will remember for life, the day which we welcome baby Kimi to our family!
Love from,
Your daddy and mummy ~~