Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Travelling Guide Books

1st March 2010: We went to MPH to search for some books for Kimi. Happened to pass by the travelling section and saw some languages Pocket Dictionary. After browsing through, we decided to get a smaller one with a cheaper price because it is easier to keep a small dictionary in a handbag. So when we are in Tokyo, at least we can mumble out a simple word to express ourselves if we need something and this pocket dictionary can be helpful during that time.

Japanese Pocket Dictionary
Berlitz Publishing
RM 25.90

11th March 2010: I was in KLIA waiting to board the plane to fly to Kuching. Casually walked into one of the book stores and saw a few shelves which displayed travelling guidebooks published by Lonely Planet. After called up hubby explaining to him on the contents of the book, he agreed to let me buy it. Hehe, so happy! But this small guidebook seems like very informative and easy to carry around. It shows to us the city maps, which train to take and the opening hours of each shop, etc. I will explore more on this guidebook in hoping that I can get to know Tokyo more ~~

Tokyo Encounter
Lonely Planet Publications
RM 54.60

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